Updates and New Products

Just loaded the website with inventory for 1st come 1st served.

Thank you for helping the channel hit 100k subs!!

I am having issues with the Gift Cards for Order Reservations. If you have a gift card and have not received one of my emails please contact me (contact@krisdevo.com). Therefore I have put a pause on that.

The new shop is coming along. Took 3 weeks to get all the electrical done and now things are looking a lot better as far as the new shop is concerned.

Came up with 23 new cutting board designs and matching cutting board stands the past 6 weeks. Some will stay around and some won’t.

Next up are end grain boards along with a few custom large end grain boards, if this (new to me) wide belt sander holds up.

Also I will do a run of my most popular older designs.

I will try and have product available for 1st come 1st served every couple of months.

The rest of the time I will be working with customers on the wait-list or custom projects… and YouTube videos!

Thank you for all the support! We would not be here if it weren’t for all of you. Appreciate you guys & gals!


Grand Opening Announcement


All Shipped